Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Transformers : More Than Meets the Eye

If you have not seen Transformers yet, you have missed out on the single greatest experience of the summer. It was funny, it was intense, it was effing Transformers. I cannot describe how amazing that movie was. Forget what you have ever thought a movie based off of a Japanese cartoon show started in the 80's could be, this is amazing. My unofficial motto for the movie is- "Its fast cars, huge explosions, and giant robots. Oh yeah and there is a hot girl here and there." I will not even spoiler your movie experience if you haven't seen it yet... ROBOTS DIE!!! (sry rele i had 2 but i mean come on. its transformers!!!11oneelevenone11!!!) So go see this movie now! I will have a full review soon but this should be enough convincing.

1 comment:

Popsicle Toes said...

I rather like your blog. I found it through Ficlets.