Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Virtual Insanity- The Clear Within the Clutter

As most of us know, American Idol is currently in another glorious season. As most of us also know, this season has brought a lot to the stage. We have another Idol who maybe be kicked off the show for questionable material, we have an Idol who scored an amazing wife and has the best sense of humor that is completely clean which is what everyone can love, and we even have an Idol who can beatbox his way to the sun and back. Thats right, Blake Lewis has surprised us again. Last week he didn't beatbox but showed a softer side of his heart. This week Blake brought back his beatboxing and brought in some Jamiroquai. While the name is somewhat hard to pronounce he is internationally famous and has been finding it hard to take root in America. Jamiroquai has been featured on VH1 and even MTV although has never been brought out so publicly as Blake did by singing his song and adding in scat with his personality. But unfortunatly and at the same time amazingly, Chris Richardson stole the spot light with 'The Geek in Pink', and made an already good song amazing. Chris wowed me and I am sure wowed America. But back to 'Virtual Insanity', if you haven't heard of Jamiroquai until last night, download his stuff from iTunes or go behind the RIAA's back and steal some. He is a breath of fresh air to pop with amazing lyrics which really attack how we as humans can be too human. Virtual Insanity for example tell us we need to step away from the tech and get back to the rock we live on. Best of luck to all Idols still on stage.

*On a side note I have been using Performancing from Firefox to post my blog lately. I don't need to sign in on Blogger anymore to post my blogs. I click on button and start to post on a small widget on the bottom of my screen. Its awesome.

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1 comment:

Jon Wise said...

i refuse to read any blog posts with "american idol" in them...