Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Well Its Official

School is a huge waste of my time. I learn about -2% of what I should a day. (Yes I actually lose IQ points by sitting in classrooms and being bored for 6 hours a day.) We actually started Romeo and Juliet today. I did the part of Romeo just so I wont have to read another part again. Quick Poll: Who thinks its dumb how Shakespeare wrote so fancy even though he knew that half the people both in his time and today wouldn't be able to understand about 68.92% of what he was trying to say? Oh, thats what I thought, you all agree. While it is flowy and fancy it lacks a simplistic beauty that comes through understanding. When you can understand how to ride a bike that is the coolest thing ever. When you understand what is going on in a movie it usually makes it a tad bit better than if you didn't. If you can't understand what they are trying to say in a book, you throw it down, walk away a pick up a 360 controller. It is sad though that people do that because the story is really good and the characters are very detailed. (For example Romeo is the most emo person you could ever meet in the beginning scene of the story.) There is no denying that Shakespeare wrote his way into history and the fact that he is now practically immortal is no small achievement. On a side note thanks to an inspiration I found while looking at Mac Book Pros online, I have now changed nearly every visual aspect of my PC. New cursors, new themes, new Firefox widgets, new desktop, new icons, new desktop widgets, new boot screen, *gasp* and new log-on screen. Also I finally put the hutch on my desk so it actually looks like a peace of art. I am proud. =P

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KarlH said...

haha, I sort of agree with you on the whole shakespeare thing.

I guess a lot of us not understanding it now is that we all have ADD. we're addicted to entertainment! it's sick!
people need to know it's alright to be bored and do something that may not be "entertaining."

Anonymous said...

ah but that was the real genius of shakespeare -- his plays worked on every level. they are full of slap-stick comedy and low-brow humor that the "lower class" of uneducated watchers would understand and appreciate, while also full of scenes and language that the upper class (the ones who paid money for seats instead of standing in front of the stage) would appreciate. and the stories, regardless of humor or language, were something that everyone could relate to.

personally, i got a little sick of romeo and juliet by the time i was done studying it. but who gets through their teenage years without feeling a little bit of that reckless passion for a member of the opposite sex? and who hasn't been broken hearted enough by a situation that they considered doing something drastic?

yes, the language is flowery, but you can read the whole thing, understanding only 1 out of 10 words, and still "get" the story Shakespeare was weaving.

Still Romeo and Juliet is cliche. his really good work was the Sonnets.

PS: dress your Windows up all you want, it's still not as nice as a Mac ;o)

Alicia said...

w0w yes romeo=the original emo kid, horribly addicted to love and himslef, very boo-hoo but still thast a good book if you get the gist of it,and i mean more than what it already tells you in the intro, like theres some nice quoteable lines such as "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet" but overall nice blog, with a lovely hint of humor

michel said...

wow romeo and juilet was extreamlyyyy boring!! have fun reading it