Thursday, February 8, 2007

Indoor Track and The Real World

Well although the prospect of staying in shape and making friends is appealing in sports. They have their downsides. I have obtained two concussions and a sprained ankle in just the past year of sports. While they can also seperate you from outings and fun. I have the great opportunity to go to a Sectional meet for my first year of Indoor Track at Stillwater. What is not only good about staying in shape through the now cold (finally winter has come to the Northeast) winter months, is that this the first year my high school has been large enough to host an indoor track team. Since it is our first year it is easy to hold school records. I am not complaining because I hold 2 seperate relay records for the 4x400 and 4x800 relays. But back to my complaining about Indoor Track. The great honor of going to Sectionals to represent my school is lost on the fact I will have to miss a dear friend's 15th bithday party at OuterZone Laser Tag. So it is choosing between a commitment to my team, and a commitment to my bros. Grrrrrr/Rawr.

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