The Battle Is In Its Heat
"God save your servant. I am cut i am bleeding, i am crying out in pain at what the enemy has done to me. Save me in my hour of need. Save those brethern who I have fought for. Show them what i tried to and failed. Lead them to your grace and evelope them in it that i may see my dreams become real and your grace in my life. God i need you to save a servants brother. Without this brother this servant can go no futher. Save your servant's brother. Bring him to your grace. Amen."- A quick prayer before I go through with this...
An AIM conversation I just had:
This is a friend who I have prayed for and tried to help them find God. I have no idea where to go after this. I feel like the past 2 years of my life have all be for naught. I am crying. I am not ashamed. I don't not want you to judge this person. I want you to help my never ending prayers that God may bring him to his light. Do not confront them about this if you magically find out who it is. Pray. Pray. Pray. I can never stress this enough. In all you do turn to God for assistance. So thats what I am asking of you. Pray for him, pray for me as I pray God will work on his heart. I feel like I ask too much of you guys and you spoil me and I can never give enough back. If I can I will give you guys my blessing in heaven just so I can see this friend brought into God's never ending grace. Pray...
Added in minutes after original post: In retrospect I do feel like I was hard on him, but Jesus also was hard on the people who thought of themselves as religious or God followers and did not truly lay down their life for Him or used Him as an excuse to gain earthly pleasures. I just have a really big problem who would use an experience like the missions trip we had as a way to just simply have fellowship. I love fellowship and one of my hearts desires is to somehow stay with the people from the missions trip the rest of my life as we go around the globe helping various missions teams get established or strengthen their spirits and helping them for a week to a month. I just see people who do not go on those events for God as Jesus saw the Pharisees, as people who use God for personal gain and do not give everything up to him as he has asked of us. Sorry if you think I am harsh, that is just my mindset.
Now playing: Jeremy Camp - Longing Heart
via FoxyTunes
An AIM conversation I just had:
FireproofSoul25 (11:16:16 PM) : but dude, i just want to say, be sure God is at your center
FireproofSoul25 (11:16:36 PM) : just please focus on God
FireproofSoul25 (11:18:06 PM) : dude God has really been working hard on me and I feel like i am failing a lot
FireproofSoul25 (11:18:14 PM) : i dont want us to fail and fall
FireproofSoul25 (11:18:44 PM) : can you respond or something?
*********** (11:17:57 PM) : idk dude
*********** (11:18:00 PM) : i dont rele liek this
FireproofSoul25 (11:18:56 PM) : like what?
*********** (11:18:12 PM) : were different ppl and im not rele like yu
FireproofSoul25 (11:19:16 PM) : i am not pressuring you or anything i just want to be sure that your motives are right
*********** (11:18:35 PM) : i want to be a kid and im working god into my center but i cant like presto chango liekt hat
FireproofSoul25 (11:19:36 PM) : Dude we are brothers in christ, there are very few bonds closer than that
FireproofSoul25 (11:19:45 PM) : *********** thats just it
FireproofSoul25 (11:19:59 PM) : when you signed up for this, you didnt sign up for a year long course
FireproofSoul25 (11:20:14 PM) : God accepts you immediately and throws you into the battle, armor or not
FireproofSoul25 (11:20:28 PM) : David was a teenager when he killed Goliath
FireproofSoul25 (11:20:30 PM) : our age
FireproofSoul25 (11:21:05 PM) : Joseph was a teenage when he was sold into slavery but he rose above it and became the most powerful man in Egypt directly under pharoah
FireproofSoul25 (11:21:31 PM) : I dont want to hear you complain about be a kid anymore
FireproofSoul25 (11:21:48 PM) : i know this is hard and you probably dont want to hear it, but this is a fight
*********** (11:21:02 PM) : im onyl complaining becuase you lecture me all the damn time
FireproofSoul25 (11:22:02 PM) : *********** !
FireproofSoul25 (11:22:04 PM) : read the bible!
FireproofSoul25 (11:22:12 PM) : you will see this on every page screaming out at you!
FireproofSoul25 (11:22:15 PM) : we need to fight!
FireproofSoul25 (11:22:22 PM) : what happened to our revolution?!
FireproofSoul25 (11:22:38 PM) : you are the one person i have met in my entire life with the most influence!
FireproofSoul25 (11:22:42 PM) : i envy that!
FireproofSoul25 (11:22:48 PM) : you can talk to people like i cant!
FireproofSoul25 (11:23:08 PM) : you met someone and your almost instantly friends!
FireproofSoul25 (11:23:11 PM) : i cant do that
FireproofSoul25 (11:23:15 PM) : i am not wired that way
FireproofSoul25 (11:23:27 PM) : i write poetry, and think deep, and talk too damn much
FireproofSoul25 (11:23:35 PM) : you are funny, and witty, and wise and you have a talent
FireproofSoul25 (11:23:39 PM) : I ENVY THAT!
FireproofSoul25 (11:23:41 PM) : I AM JEALOUS!
FireproofSoul25 (11:24:00 PM) : you have the biggest position right now to start a fire at our school for christ
FireproofSoul25 (11:24:04 PM) : i need you man
FireproofSoul25 (11:24:14 PM) : i can not start without knowing you are there with me
FireproofSoul25 (11:24:36 PM) : i know God is there but it feels like he has abandoned me if you arent in it with me
FireproofSoul25 (11:24:38 PM) : please
*********** (11:23:57 PM) : what do yu mean like
*********** (11:24:00 PM) : we dont even see eachother
*********** (11:24:05 PM) : and you dont liekt alk in class
FireproofSoul25 (11:25:01 PM) : It doesnt matter!
*********** (11:24:11 PM) : how is this gonna work?
FireproofSoul25 (11:25:16 PM) : just be as glass so that people may see jesus through you
FireproofSoul25 (11:25:27 PM) : a flame brighter than any they have seen
*********** (11:24:42 PM) : i see
FireproofSoul25 (11:25:38 PM) : a cross beaconing to the broken
FireproofSoul25 (11:26:01 PM) :*********** you are my hero in so many ways
FireproofSoul25 (11:26:06 PM) : you dont care what people think
FireproofSoul25 (11:26:10 PM) : you do waht you want
FireproofSoul25 (11:26:29 PM) : you know just what to say to get people to talk and laugh
FireproofSoul25 (11:26:38 PM) : just use that for Christ
FireproofSoul25 (11:26:43 PM) : thats all i am begging of you
*********** (11:26:03 PM) : ok ok i get it
FireproofSoul25 (11:27:00 PM) : if you could see me now i would be on my hands and knees before you
FireproofSoul25 (11:27:08 PM) : i need to know that you will fight for God
FireproofSoul25 (11:27:13 PM) : not for your childhood
FireproofSoul25 (11:27:18 PM) : i have given up myself
FireproofSoul25 (11:27:24 PM) : i have nothing left to give
FireproofSoul25 (11:27:37 PM) : and i feel like i will fail if you arent there
FireproofSoul25 (11:27:45 PM) : not physically but in spirit
*********** (11:27:11 PM) : you cant really fail at that
*********** (11:27:19 PM) : and that doesnt make sense if im not there
FireproofSoul25 (11:28:22 PM) : i just need to know you will fight for God in all you do
FireproofSoul25 (11:28:31 PM) : that you will witness Jesus' love to people
*********** (11:27:43 PM) : not yet
FireproofSoul25 (11:28:40 PM) : that you will bring them to church
*********** (11:27:50 PM) : im not like able to yet
FireproofSoul25 (11:28:44 PM) : and to NINE12
*********** (11:28:00 PM) : mhm
FireproofSoul25 (11:29:03 PM) : i jsut need to know you will fight the same fight i will fight
FireproofSoul25 (11:29:23 PM) : we may not be on the same battlefield but our cause will be the same and our enemy will be the same
*********** (11:29:08 PM) : i guess i can try
FireproofSoul25 (11:30:22 PM) : a wise old man once told me, "Do or do not, there is no try."
*********** (11:29:31 PM) : but i cant really promise i can do all thata much right now, yur expecting too much from me at the moment
FireproofSoul25 (11:30:43 PM) : So what if that wise old man happens to be Yoda
FireproofSoul25 (11:31:25 PM) : i just feel like its as though the week at NYC meant nothing to us anymore
FireproofSoul25 (11:31:34 PM) : it just brought us closer together for us
FireproofSoul25 (11:31:37 PM) : instead of God
FireproofSoul25 (11:31:46 PM) : and tht alone is enough to make me cry
*********** (11:31:06 PM) : i see
*********** (11:31:16 PM) : well
FireproofSoul25 (11:32:09 PM) : i dont know how else to say it
FireproofSoul25 (11:32:17 PM) : if will not fight beside me
FireproofSoul25 (11:32:19 PM) : then...
FireproofSoul25 (11:32:23 PM) : idk
FireproofSoul25 (11:32:27 PM) : ill fight but
FireproofSoul25 (11:32:38 PM) : even the thought of that scares me
FireproofSoul25 (11:32:49 PM) : who else in our school has been on a mountain top with God?
FireproofSoul25 (11:33:11 PM) : who else has felt God's touch and remembers what it means to be with God
FireproofSoul25 (11:33:43 PM) : who else has actually got down and dirty and served because God called them to help his children in need?
FireproofSoul25 (11:33:50 PM) : i can not think of anyone else
FireproofSoul25 (11:35:09 PM) : *********** please set aside your pride and give up that which you hold most dear as an offering to God that he may take it and bless you 10 times over
FireproofSoul25 (11:35:35 PM) : what is it you are afraid of that is holding you back from this?
FireproofSoul25 (11:35:52 PM) : i want to pray for it
FireproofSoul25 (11:35:55 PM) : right now
*********** (11:35:27 PM) : im not afraid of nething per say but like ur just steam rolling me with all this shit its like whoa, and im not even thatb liek "with" god and ur expecting alot from me
*********** (11:35:41 PM) : but im getting stressed out so imma go for a lil
FireproofSoul25 (11:36:38 PM) : why is it me you see as calling you to this?
FireproofSoul25 (11:36:55 PM) : God has been screaming it to you and I am asking if you have answered the call
*********** (11:36:25 PM) : not really
*********** (11:36:30 PM) : you have been screaming to me
*********** (11:36:33 PM) : and i dont rele liek ti
*********** (11:36:39 PM) : i want you to let me find him myself
FireproofSoul25 (11:37:39 PM) : then i have failed
*********** (11:36:51 PM) : nah
FireproofSoul25 (11:37:45 PM) : yes
FireproofSoul25 (11:37:58 PM) : for over one year i have tried to lead you to that place where God is
*********** (11:37:09 PM) : i just get caught up in all this stuff and i fail to relize im nto connecting with god
FireproofSoul25 (11:38:06 PM) : i invited you to Vertical
FireproofSoul25 (11:38:18 PM) : i suggested we do Nine12 serves
FireproofSoul25 (11:38:23 PM) : then we went on the missions trip
FireproofSoul25 (11:38:31 PM) : you can lead a horse to water
FireproofSoul25 (11:38:38 PM) : but you can not make him drink
FireproofSoul25 (11:38:57 PM) : i never thought i would have seen that quote ever become more real
FireproofSoul25 (11:39:18 PM) : you go ahead and chill or what ever
FireproofSoul25 (11:39:20 PM) : i need to pray
*********** (11:38:38 PM) : ok
This is a friend who I have prayed for and tried to help them find God. I have no idea where to go after this. I feel like the past 2 years of my life have all be for naught. I am crying. I am not ashamed. I don't not want you to judge this person. I want you to help my never ending prayers that God may bring him to his light. Do not confront them about this if you magically find out who it is. Pray. Pray. Pray. I can never stress this enough. In all you do turn to God for assistance. So thats what I am asking of you. Pray for him, pray for me as I pray God will work on his heart. I feel like I ask too much of you guys and you spoil me and I can never give enough back. If I can I will give you guys my blessing in heaven just so I can see this friend brought into God's never ending grace. Pray...
Added in minutes after original post: In retrospect I do feel like I was hard on him, but Jesus also was hard on the people who thought of themselves as religious or God followers and did not truly lay down their life for Him or used Him as an excuse to gain earthly pleasures. I just have a really big problem who would use an experience like the missions trip we had as a way to just simply have fellowship. I love fellowship and one of my hearts desires is to somehow stay with the people from the missions trip the rest of my life as we go around the globe helping various missions teams get established or strengthen their spirits and helping them for a week to a month. I just see people who do not go on those events for God as Jesus saw the Pharisees, as people who use God for personal gain and do not give everything up to him as he has asked of us. Sorry if you think I am harsh, that is just my mindset.
Now playing: Jeremy Camp - Longing Heart
via FoxyTunes
Your passion is pure, and your heart is true, young Christ Warrior but it is with HIS power and spirit that the victory comes. You are much salt and light and many battles yet to fight, but with patience and only Gods might will your friend win his own fight. In His Love, Anonymous
have you ever heard Casting Crowns Prayer for a Friend song?
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