Sunday, September 9, 2007

God Gave Him That Sign

Wow my close friend in Christ was debating about whether or not to invite a kid from his school to NINE12 (our youth group) so he quickly asked God for a sign. He asked the kid what time the class they were in ended, he responded by saying , '9:12'. That made my heart jump for joy! Many people, even believers, would say that is just coincidence. I say that it is divine providence. God set up that schools schedule like that for a reason. I am going to pray for that kid and my friend. God can do anything. All you need a lot of prayer, and a lot of faith. Both of which are within all of us and inside all our friends. So nothing is impossible with God.

Now playing: David Crowder Band - Undignified/You Alone
via FoxyTunes

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