Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Testamony of God's Awesomeness With A Capital A

My church youth group just came back from a missions trip to serve in a soup kitchen/food pantry for the homeless and less fortunate in NYC and we completely brought a revolution to that area of the city. Matthew 25:34-46 says that God will bless those who serve the least of his children in heaven, and will curse those who turn down the least of his children to the fires of hell. As Christians and humans alike we need to serve the least of our kind, of our brothers and sisters that we may seek the glory of God and well being of his children. God Bless revolutionaries for they will be rewarded with the full glory of God for chasing after his heart with all there strength. Men, you will find all your hearts desires at the feet of cross if you but lay down everything you have and run without ceasing to God. Sisters, you will not be left abandoned by God. He will not forsake you and will reward your efforts if you obey everyone of his commandments. I have faith that we serve a God of wonders, and that if we serve him, his wonders will be made real in our lives. "Our God is an awesome God, he reigns on heaven and earth, with wisdom power and love, our God is an awesome God."

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